Friday, September 4, 2009

Gameday Shirt

A while back I got the idea for a good gameday shirt for the football season. I went last week and ordered it from Athletic Supply and I was so excited when it was ready!

Kirk, Brandon's little brother, is a junior at Abilene High and is number 13 on Varsity. On the front I wanted just the plain "A-High" logo, but the back was where I was getting creative!

There is another guy on the football team with the last name Mann, but of no relation. Since I didn't think the number alone would determine which Mann I was related to, I wanted to put "K. Mann."

You might be thinking, that's not creative at all.. it's just his name and number... WRONG! It's my name!!!!! haha! I told Kirk I was getting his name and number, but not really. I was really getting it because it was my initial and name! He laughed at me and said in the typical high school fashion, "whatever..."

I'm pretty excited for the debut of my shirt this evening at the game, and don't worry, I've told everyone I know the reasoning behind my shirt!


  1. Kelly, I can't wait to see you at the A-High game! I haven't seen you in forever, and that is just not acceptable! I love your shirt, and really Kirk does too. I've learned not to listen to that high-school 'whatever'. Have a fantastic Friday.

  2. YAY for football season!! I know i've already said that on here before, but I love knowing other girls that go above and beyond during football season--I love the shirt-GREAT idea! We are actually having a football shower for this baby boy, and I could not be more excited! Hope you guys have a good night at the game!
