Friday, October 30, 2009

Everyone Should Have One of These....

Last year for an early Christmas present, my mom gave me one. At the time I thought it was awesome, but I hadn't yet realized how truly AWESOME it was!

What is it, you ask?

None other than the COCOMOTION!

In case you're like most people, you have no idea what I'm talking about. Let me tell you, this thing is life changing... at least in the way you judge hot chocolate! The Cocomotion is a hot chocolate maker, all you do is add milk and hot cocoa mix and watch it work its wonders! Perfect hot chocolate every time.

So last night Ms. Cocomotion made her 2009-2010 Holiday debut. It has been pretty cold here over the past month, and even more so within the past 2 weeks. We've had our first frost and our first day where the temperature doesn't make it above 65 degrees, both of which are criteria for her appearance.

Last night I had my Young Life girls over for Campaigners (a weekly bible study). I told them the week before that if it was still cold the next week (last night) that I would break out the Cocomotion and they would be in for a treat. So this is how the process works..

Start with all of your ingredients, milk, hot cocoa mix, and marshmallows (if you want them). Ellen brought over some fun Halloween marshmallows for everyone to put in their hot cocoa, so we used them!

Pour in the right amount of milk. Thank you assistant Ellen!

Now put in the hot cocoa mix. This is where there is a small change. Read the instructions on the hot cocoa mix and see how much you put in per cup, now put enough for the amount of cups you're making (in this case, 4) and then ADD ONE! You want the hot cocoa to be extra chocolatey and rich!

Put on the lid and push the "on" button! I know in this picture it looks like there is mix stuck to the sides, but don't worry, the cocomotion takes care of that! Sit back and watch it stir up and heat up your hot cocoa!

If you're not anticipating the hot cocoa enough to forget to take a finished picture of the hot cocoa in the pitcher, you're wrong. That's what I forgot to do.. take a picture before I filled up the mugs.

And this one is pretty blurry due to a slow shutter speed and no daylight (it was 9pm people), but you get the jist and you can see the Halloween marshmallows!

The cocomotion works like magic to make the best hot chocolate you'll ever have. Its at the right temperature (just hot enough where you can drink it and not get burned) and it is the perfect creaminess!

Because I think everyone should have one of these, you can purchase one online here or you can type in your zip code to see if it's in a Walmart Store near you.

Love you all, have a fabulous weekend!


  1. This is AWESOME!! I LOVE hot chocolate any time of the year. Looks like I'm going to be making my way to Walmart TODAY! So I found you as I was hopping from blog to blog, saw we have the same blog title (keeping up with the...) and just had to stop by. Come to find out, your hubby and I were in U100 together freshman yr back in 2003 at ACU. Small world!!! You are so precious and your blog is too cute! Tell Brandon I said hi. Happy weekend...xoxo!

  2. Purchased and hopefully on it's way to our house soon. Max Gilbert thanks you. He just doesn't know how lucky he is yet.
