Friday, December 18, 2009

A few moments with Haelyn

Meet Haelyn:

She is absolutely precious and everytime I'm around her, I just want to get my hands on her. She is one of the happiest babies I've ever met plus she's just ridiculously cute! I was so excited when Jenn (her mom) emailed me to see if I could take their family photo for their Christmas cards and then design their cards! Monday night we arranged a time for me to come over for the pictures and after I took a couple of the family (I'll get to that in a minute), I had to snap a few of Haelyn all by herself!

These are just a few of the ones I got while I was there, but I didn't want to bore you with all of them! I did a little bit of editing to them and they are fantastic! Jenn, I hope you're reading this!

Now to the family photo... this is not your typical family Christmas photo or your typical family! I just love these two so much! Mark was Brandon's YoungLife leader when he was in high school and Mark was in college (remember when I said yesterday that the relationships made between a leader and a kid were special? case and point). Mark and Jenn got married while at ACU and are such a fun couple. They can make a whole room laugh when they're around!

Every year since they've been married they have sent a funny Christmas card out. One year they were dressed up as hillbillies in their picture and another they were wearing sombreros and their entire card was in Spanish. Well, this is their first Christmas with sweet little Haelyn so they wanted to incorporate her into their tradition. They wanted all of the focus to be on her!

So, the fact that Haelyn is the only one in focus in the picture was not a mistake on this amateur photographer's part. The picture turned out perfectly and I was able to make them a card to complete the whole package!

Hope you like it! Thanks Mark, Jenn, and Haelyn for letting me join in on the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post of course! Thank you so much for the cutest card should read the comments I've gotten about it on my Facebook page. You are wonderful and Haelyn is just as fond of you! You are the first person to ever get her to sleep without rocking! Simply amazing. She can't wait for the day you keep her for a few hours! Hope you and Brandon had a great Christmas. Blessings, jenn
