Thursday, December 17, 2009

Guess Who's Pregnant?!

I know what you're thinking, but it's not me.


are you ready?


My sister and her husband have been going through the long adoption process, but their adoption method is not your typical adoption, they adopted 8 embryos (that's right, I said embryos) through an Christian Adoption Organization's program called the 'Snowflake Program'. Mike and Christy had their first transfer of three embryos on Friday, December 4th and yesterday she found out she was pregnant! We wont know if there are multiples (hence the three embryos) until the 6 week ultrasound after the first of the year.

I'm so excited to be an aunt! This is such exciting news for our whole family, especially my mom! :) If you could just say a little prayer for that/those precious little baby-(ies) growing inside of her, that they would continue to grow and develop and that the pregnancy would be healthy with no complications, I (and my family) would really appreciate it! If you would like to read more about this adoption process, you can follow her blog where she updates pretty regularly.

Moving on to other exciting news...


That means we're headed to the Riverwalk for lots of fun and hopefully a victory over Katy! Here's some pictures from the last game since I'm so far behind!

Last week we play my high school rival (well from freshman year), Klein High School. They didn't have that big of a crowd, compared to us.

Funny story on the crowd size topic: this week at the A-High Booster Club meeting, a Houston reporter was in attendance and stood up to ask Coach Warren (the head football coach) how he thought his players would react to all of the fans that Katy would bring being from Houston. Coach Warren stopped, looked around at the room and then laughed a little and said, "I think it's going to be the other way around."

One day I will post about what it's like to live in west Texas and be connected in a community where high school football really is, a HUGE deal, but that's for later...

remember when I told you this would be back? only this week, the eye blacks say "shred the gnar" instead of Phil. 4:13

these two are not dating, and in fact, they are dating other people but they have been friends for a LONG time like most of the kids. I had to show this picture to you because I just loved it!

This could be my favorite picture of all time from a football game. This is Tyler, from Tyler. Ok, I just had to say that, but Tyler is a YoungLife leader with me and he has the junior guys (Kirk and his friends). He is such a great leader and really knows how to minister to these kids! You can tell that they love him and he truly loves the boys. This is a relationship that the kids will not forget. I have really enjoyed getting to know Tyler better on the Abilene High team and eating lunch with him every Monday!

Kirk and Jarvis with the trophy, which I'm pretty sure they announce about 576 times that it was presented by H-E-B.

I didn't take this picture, Brandon's uncle Jon did because I was on the phone making our hotel reservations.. and it's a good thing I did because one of the hotels we wanted was already booked. I like this picture though, it think it's pretty cool!

Here's the whole crew at the game! Tyler and Breanna got married back in August and came up from College Station to watch the game and we were glad they made it!

and lastly...

isn't this hat great? I wish I could have seen the front of it, but I thought I would at least document the back!

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